Saturday, September 21, 2024

Show notes - Episode 497: Skip the Mandated Nonsense

Morning, friends!

We did the live show! Issues aside, everyone had a great time and I cannot wait to share that with you on October 12. Today we have music from new friends, actors whose movies we skip, and more. Let's go!

Music from As December Falls (3:01), recording the live episode (7:39), Amazon mandating RTO (14:59), and actors whose movies we skip (28:44).

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As December Falls

Many thanks to our new friends for the tune! Find more from them here - and special thanks to Public City PR for the connection!

Recording Episode 500

We did it! We had some hiccups but I think the actual episode went so well. I am so excited to share it with you next month. Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen and came out to be a part of the event.

THAT SAID, I do need your help. The cost was higher than anticipated, so please share this GoFundMe link with your people and donate if you can. Thank you very much!

Amazon mandates RTO

This is so silly. The CEO making a statement filled with corporate nonsense makes it worse. If you need to be "attached at the hip" to get work done, you don't seem like an effective worker. If you do most of your work on a computer, you should not be required to sit in a building under fluorescent lights for eight hours. Companies need to stop going backwards on this.

Actors whose movies we skip

Thanks to my smokin hot wife for this question! And thanks to everyone who shared their picks. Spoiler: Tom Cruise "won" in a landslide! I knew he was generally not liked as a person, but I wasn't positive that this translated to his work. Looks like I was wrong and he deserves a prize for this. Let me know what I should send to his people.


And that, as we say, is that! Thanks for coming along this week. Next week we'll have new music from new friends, and maybe something a bit funnier (I hope). Come on back to find out what and until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Crap open a cold one!

(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)

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