Today we have music from a new friend, terrible dining experiences, a wedding invitation that set weirdos off, and more. Let's do the stuff!

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Music from Twelve Days in June (4:25), our worst dining experiences (8:56), being gross for clout (25:49), unique wedding invites (32:34), and a Flyers Update from The Captain (40:32).
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Twelve Days in June
Many thanks to our new friend for the tune! Check out more from him here and tell him Pat sent you. Also let us know how we can get "I Could See for Miles" into rasslin and/or Beavis and Butthead!
Worst dining experiences
Shoutout to Jill for the recommendation, and to all of you for sharing. I am sorry you had to deal with such bad times while just trying to eat. Is there a fix for any of these? Also: I missed a couple of answers and we got a few more after recording. So next week we roll with part two!
People can sure be gross
Speaking of bad times eating, please do not make or eat food in a bathroom. I know the guy who made the hotel bathroom nachos thought that was funny to share. And if it made you laugh? Great. But that dude is gross and I don't want more people being that gross.
Wedding invites: no gifts, just pay for food

This is a great idea. You mean to tell me I don't have to spend a bunch of money on a gift you might use twice? Sign me all the way up for that. Here is $80. We'll be there!
I knew The Captain would bring up the blackout game. I also figured he would bring up the fight, so click here for video of that (it is age-restricted so I can't embed it). Thank you, good sir!
And that, as we say, is that! Thanks for coming along, as always. I hope you learned a few things and enjoyed the sweet tune. Next week we may have an exclusive track so come on around for that. Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Crap open a cold one!
(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)
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