Saturday, September 9, 2023

Show notes - Episode 443: They Want You to Take the Rolls

Morning, friends!

I do not have time for full notes this week. So thank you to Cherie Amour for the tune and to everyone who shared their movie picks. We played more scores!

Pat plays new music from Cherie Amour (4:25), then rambles on family trips (8:57), houses next to nothing (13:27), petty theft (20:17), and movies we haven’t seen (28:47).

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As promised, here is the video of that infamous lightsaber battle. Somehow the video quality is actually worse than I remember.

And that is all for today! Sorry for the light post, but Pat got busy with work today. Next week I'll do better. Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Crap open a cold one!

(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)

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