Saturday, May 6, 2023

Show notes - Episode 425: Doctor Teddy Knows Best

Morning, friends!

I tried a bit of a different setup this week and realized too late that it wasn't a good idea. See? I am still learning after all these years. Let's have some fun!

To download the episode, click here!

Pat plays music from Prime Birds (4:50), then rambles on good doctor visits (8:41), the best brands on social media (13:39), PC upgrades (24:14), kids on his lawn (28:20), and the Quiznos teddy (35:36).

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No real bonus this week, but as usual you get the show uncut. Going forward we're going to keep the actual show and the bonuses separate so I'll post the extra stuff on its own when it drops.


Thanks to our new friend for the tune! If you like video game sounds, check them out. And let Canada know I'm open to all genres!

Doctors who care

I realize that not everyone has a good doctor - or even a doctor at all. But when something good happens, I have to call it out. This whole show can't be patpeeves, after all. (I mean, I guess it could.)

Best social media brands

Thank you, Jen for this question. And thanks to everyone who answered. I had not seen that Quiznos commercial in years, so I found it to share with you. I did remember the tag though, so that counts for something. You up?

PC upgrades

Shoutout to Josh for walking me through installing a new graphics card. We're not out of the woods, but we're for sure in a better spot. Also my tower was dusty anyway so it's good that I popped it open and whisked all of that outta there. If I need to upgrade my CPU, I will pay someone to come over.

patpeeve: get off my lawn

I did not mean to sound like a crotchety old man here. I just find it really odd that kids opened our gate to play with the boy's stuff. Please talk with your kids about respecting others' space and property. We do not need a new generation of people like my former neighbors.

A trip to Quiznos

Jen unlocked a memory with her Quiznos mention. I always find it odd when people ask for a specific amount of money. Teddy Bear didn't say "spare some change for the bus?" He said: "I need $11.37 for the train." I wonder if anyone could help him. Anyway, I remember liking Quiznos. Toasted hoagies are good when the people pay attention and don't burn them.


And that is that, pals! We did it! Next week I will ditch the pop filter because that for sure is making things worse. Topic-wise? Come on back and we'll find out together! Until then don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Crap open a cold one!

(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)

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