Josh returned to the show this week using his newly upgraded PC, so for the first time in our run together we did not have any technical hiccups while recording. I sound super dehydrated though, so the universe balanced it out as usual. We dove into a few different topics here, so let's get to it!
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Josh returns in HD to ramble with Pat on missing sports (4:01), our favorite pasta dishes (7:28), and DOOM Eternal (22:20). Plus PC problems (28:00), betting on game shows (30:42), and the return of Rick Moranis (34:28)!
Coronavirus update
Look, we all miss not being able to do stuff right now. But the more you go out, the longer everything has to stay closed. Keep yourself isolated for now and don't forget to wash your *coin* hands. We can get through this, even though we don't have sports.
Also since we recorded, my office has been closed "until further notice." I don't know when it will reopen, but I am planning to stay home for several days to be safe. Do the same if you're able!
Pasta dishes
Since this was shared on Facebook, I am going to post the family history lesson here. I have blacked out the names just because, but here is apparently why my elders hated pasta or something. (And I just realized that I missed two answers from uncles. My bad!)
And for reference: "stinky cheese" was a mix of parmesan and romano, as far as I recall.

Speaking of reference, here is my 23andMe rant [from Episode 181] that I mentioned:
DOOM Eternal
I have no stake in this game, but I knew Josh was super excited about it so I wanted to give him a platform. If you're also playing, I hope you are crushing it. If not, I hope Josh's excitement convinced you to get on board!
Betting on game shows
If are betting on Jeopardy! or Wheel of Fortune right now because sports are canceled, don't go too wild with it. If you were betting on these shows before this outbreak hit, click here for some helpful information.
Rick Moranis
I did not know that Josh would bring this news to the table, but there really was no better way to end this episode than being excited for the return of Rick Moranis. He is the hero we need!
And that's that, pals! Thanks to Josh for joining me (& getting his PC fixed!) and to you for sticking with us. Stay home, wash your hands, and enjoy whichever pasta dish you love.
Until next time, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Crap open a cold one!
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