It was a packed show this week, even when I cut out some stuff, so let's just get right to it - McCoupons, urban legends, a chat with Elesa Marmo, and more!
Click here to download the episode!

Pat rambles on winter woes (3:35), pumpkin spice lattes (5:04), a Twitter tale on McCoupons (8:23), travel troubles (13:06), and our favorite urban legends (19:06). Plus what’s new in entertainment (32:21), a conversation with Elesa Marmo (39:39), a song from her new EP (56:01), and some sports stuff to wrap the show!
Winter woes
If you know how I can insulate my basement without taking things apart and/or spending a lot of money, please let me know. I would rather not have my studio be empty for the next four months.
Pumpkin spice latte
Forget about white girls being wrong about everything: they got this right. The pumpkin spice latte is super delicious and I can't wait to have another one tomorrow.
I love that Twitter can still be fun sometimes. Thank you, McEmployee, for letting me share your story! Learn how coupons work, people! Reading is good for you, I promise!
Travel troubles
Had to get a little real this week, pals. It was really tempting to cut this whole segment, lest we start some DRAMA (did I use "lest" correctly?), but I think it's important for people to know why I can't go to things all the time.
Urban legends
Thank you for sharing your favorite stories with me, friends! Who knew that so many weirdos live in Pennsylvania? Should we make sweet flow charts like this for all of the stories?

Video games, Disney Plus
Some fun games to play this week, but let's get real: you're still watching Disney things. Please don't recommend stuff - my list is long enough - but let me know what you're enjoying!
Elesa Marmo
Thanks so much to good friend of the show, Elesa Marmo, for joining me this week! It was terrifying, but we made it through the thing! Get her new EP, Overzealous (links to Amazon), and check out her music video below!
VISTA: In Ruins
Before we roll out, I want to share the latest from our pals in VISTA. They released a documentary this week and it is...well I'd rather not influence your opinion so here it is:
And that's that, pals! I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you don't get caught doing whatever you shouldn't be! Until next time, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Crap open a cold one!

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