Saturday, July 20, 2019

Show notes - Episode 201: Flying in the Face of Frustration

Hey, friends!

It's been a weird few days, so I won't waste your time. We did a bunch of stuff this week, so let's get to it!

Click here to download the episode!

Pat rants on being frustrated by yard work (3:12) and rude colleagues (5:31), rambles on a busy Saturday (17:12), and takes shirtless dudes to task with this week’s question (24:03). Plus new video games (32:06), Nintendo Switch Lite (36:09), and the latest tune from Proper. (42:14)!


In the interest of time (aka it was midnight), I'm just gonna hit the high notes here and send you on your way. Here goes!

  1. If you can come teach me how to replace my weed wacker string, I would be eternally grateful. It will be too hot today to ask you to cut the grass, so I can take care of that. (UPDATE: I figured out this very simple thing and got my grass cut before the sun hit me.)
  2. When working in an office, keep your goddamn music to a reasonable volume. And don't try to play the "oh you just hate Jesus" card when someone asks you to turn it down a bit.
  3. Ornament premiere was a bit underwhelming, as was that second bookcase, but it was nice to see some old pals and get free furniture. Also my mom and I got ice cream!
  4. Dear adult males, wear shirts in public places that aren't pools, theme parks, or beaches. Thanks.
  5. I am pretty excited for Nintendo Switch Lite. It has everything I want and the "missing" features are ones I wasn't planning on using. Win-win!
  6. Thanks so much to our friends, Proper., for their tune this week. Go get the thing and check out their social places: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, and YouTube!

That's it, pals! I realize I forgot to mention both the Batman Beyond Blu-ray announcement (October 16 for digital [$50], October 29 for physical [$100]!) and the Baseball Hall of Fame Induction this weekend (Jayson Stark!). My bad - but get excited for that stuff! Next week I may have mowed my tiny lawn!

Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Crap open a cold one!

(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)

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