I swear we'll get back to normal with this show one of these weeks. But this one was close to it - movies, games I'm playing, a sweet tune - we did the thing!
Click here to download the episode!

If the show sounded different this week, chalk it up to my laziness. There was no way I was moving all of that furniture and stuff a second time, so I hope you enjoyed my smooth sounds!
Yes really, we threw a birthday party for our dog. The best part (for meeee) was that people seemed legitimately upset about not being able to attend. I don't know why, but it was hilarious. We had a great time, and if Buster lives to 16 he's getting a car! Woooo old dogs!
I knew it was coming, and I'm so glad it did. The passion. The fire. The pure disdain (is that even a strong enough word here?) - for socks with sandals. It was great. I hate feet, so maybe I'm not the best judge here. But I'm glad we [mostly] came to an agreement! Or at least youse guyses were able to vent a bit!
Since I botched the video games for this week, jump in the wayback machine with me and play some Uncharted. I enjoyed the first game, and I'm enjoying the second (except for that *coin* mountain puzzle). I think the third edition came out for PS3, so I'll let you know if I can grab it on sale. Also Guacamelee is still super fun and challenging, but suplexes! Also also: go see Skyscraper, Siberia, and Eighth Grade - let me know if I should leave the comfort of my recliner to go see them.
Many thanks once again to our friends, Mongrel Dogs! Their new song is called Come On and you can get it on iTunes (and other places too, probably, but that's where I got it). Hell yeah, air guitar!
Enjoy the rasslin this weekend (GET EXTREME). Enjoy the Derby and the All-Star Game next week (and celebrity softball!). And be thankful that the nightmare in Thailand has ended. Up top to rescue teams!
Whatever you're up to, have some fun and don't be a dope. Thanks for coming!
Crap open a cold one!
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